Feedback Linearization Control of Container Cranes |
Department of Mechanical and Intelligent Systems Engineering, Pusan National University;School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou University;School of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University; |
컨테이너 크레인의 되먹임 선형화제어 |
박한;좌동경;홍금식; |
부산대학교 대학원 지능기계공학과;아주대학교 전자공학부;부산대학교 기계공학부; |
© 2005 The Korean Society of Ocean Engineers
Open access / Under a Creative Commons License
Container Crane, Nonlinear Control Law, Feedback Linearization Control, Lyapunov Stability Theorem |
컨테이너 크레인, 비선형 제어법칙, 되먹임 선형화제어, 리아프노프 안정성 이론 |
Abstract |
In this paper, a feedback linearizing anti-sway control law, using a 2-D model for container cranes, is investigated. The equations of motion are first derived from Lagrange's equation. Then, by substituting the sway dynamics into the trolley dynamics, a reduction of variables from three (trolley, hoist, sway) to two (trolley, hoist) is pursued. The anti-sway control law is designed based on the Lyapunov stability theorem. The proposed control law guarantees the uniform asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system. The simulation results of the derived control law, using MATLAB/Simulink, are compared with those of the sliding mode control law, noted in previous literature. Also, experimental results using a 3-D pilot crane are provided. |