Structural Design and Analysis of Barge for Canal-Coastal Shipping |
Kim, Kyung-Su;Son, Choong-Yul;Kim, Sung-Joon; |
운하-연안 연계용 바아지의 구조 설계 및 해석 |
김경수;손충렬;김성준; |
인하대학교 선박해양공학과;인하대학교 선박해양공학과;인하대학교 선박해양공학과; |
© 1999 The Korean Society of Ocean Engineers
Open access / Under a Creative Commons License
Barge for Canal-Coastal Shipping, Container Barge, Tank Barge, Structural Design, Semi-Direct Structural Analysis |
운하-연안 연계용 바아지, 컨테이너 바아지, 탱크 바아지, 구조설계, 준직접 구조 해석 |
Abstract |
Two types of barge, container and tanker vessels, are designed with specific dimensions for canal-coastal shipping in Kyung-In canal and Yellow Sea region. The principal dimensions of barges are determined by considering the environment of Kyung-In canal and Yellow Sea. The selection of structure type and structure type and strength confirmation is conducted by the technical rules of Korean Register of Shipping. For the structural analysis of designed barges, the semi-direct stuctural analysis is carried out with using MSC NASTRAN software. Applying identical dimensions to both vessels, the standardization of structural design and analysis procedure are introduced. |