J. Ocean Eng. Technol. Search


J. Ocean Eng. Technol. 1999;13(1):11-17.    

A Study on the Development of a Three Dimensional Structured Finite Elements Generation Code
Kim, Jin-Whan;
3차원 정렬 유한요소 생성 코드 개발에 대한 연구
동의대학교 기계공학과;
© 1999 The Korean Society of Ocean Engineers     Open access / Under a Creative Commons License
Keywords: Finite Element, Serendipity Basis Function, Hierarchical Shape Function, Structured Grid, Progressive Ratio, Vertex, Edge
핵심용어: 유한요소, 시렌디피티 기저함수, 계층 형상함수, 정렬격자, 점진적 비율, 꼭지점,
A three dimensional finite element generation code has been developed attaching simple blocks. Block can be either a quadrature or a cube depending on the dimension of a subject considered. Finite element serendipity basis functions are employed to map elements between the computational domain and the physical domain. Elements can be generated with wser defined progressive ratio for each block. For blocks to be connected properly, a block should have a consistent numbering scheme for vertices, side nodes, edges and surfaces. In addition the edge information such as the number of elements and the progressive ratio for each direction should also be checked for interfaces to have unique node numbers. Having done so, user can add blocks with little worry about the orientation of blocks, Since the present the present code has been written by a Visual Basic language, it can be developed easily for a user interactive manner under a Windows environment.


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