Study on Residual Stress Distribution in Thick Plate Welded Material Using Indentation Equipment |
Huh Sun-Chul,Kim Gwi-Nam,Lee Jong-Seok,Park Cheol-Hong,Park Joun-Sung,Park Won-Jo |
Department of Energy and Mechanical Engineering Institute of Marine Industry Gyeongsang National University,Department of Precision Mechanical Engineering Gyeongsang National University,Department of Precision Mechanical Engineering Gyeongsang Nationa |
압입시험기를 이용한 후판용접재의 잔류응력 분포에 관한 연구 |
허선철,김귀남,이종석,박철홍,박준성,박원조 |
경상대학교 에너지기계공학과,경상대학교 정밀기계공학과 대학원,경상대학교 정밀기계공학과 대학원,한국폴리텍 I 대학,한국폴리텍 I 대학,경상대학교 에너지기계공학과 |
© 2011 The Korean Society of Ocean Engineers
Open access / Under a Creative Commons License
AIS3000, Heat affected zone(HAZ), Residual stress, X-ray diffractometry(XRD), Electron prove micro analyzer(EPMA), Thick plate welded material |
압입시험기, 열영향부, 잔류응력, X선 회절 분석기, 전자탐침미세분석기, 후판용접재 |
Abstract |
Recently, the production of shipbuilding and offshore plant industries, with a trend toward large structures, has led to an increased use of high strength ultra-thick plates. The use of ultra-thick plates increases the welding tasks, and the welding process generates distortion and residual stress in the weldment because of the rapid heating and cooling. Welding distortion and residual stress in the welded structure resulte in many troubles such as deformation and life deterioration. In particular, the welding residual stress has an important effect on welding deformation, fatigue, buckling strength, brittleness, etc. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the residual stress at a multi-pass weldment using an experimental method for EH36 high-tension steel. In this experimental method, AIS3000 was used to measure the residual stress of a welded part, HAZ, and base metal; EPMA and XRD were used to study the material properties. |