An Analytic Solution of the Shape of a Partially Filled, Submerged Membrane Container |
Choi Yoon-Rak |
School of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering University of Ulsan |
수중 유체저장용 막구조물 형상의 이론적 해석 |
최윤락 |
울산대학교 조선해양공학부 |
© 2008 The Korean Society of Ocean Engineers
Open access / Under a Creative Commons License
Partially filled submerged membrane structure, Analytic solution of the shape, A point of inflection, Elliptic integrals |
수중 유체저장용 막구조물, 형상의 해석적 해, 변곡점, 타원적분 |
Abstract |
For a partially filled and deeply submersed membrane container, an analytic solution for similarity shape was studied. The static shape of a membrane container can be expressed as a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. These equations are combined into an integrable equation. The solution of the equation is derived in terms of elliptic integrals, the arguments of which contain an unknown at the point of inflection. The point of inflection is determined by using the boundary condition at a separating point. Some characteristic values of the similarity shape were evaluated and the shapes are illustrated. |