Effects of Nb, V on the Mechanical Properties of Continuous Casting Rolls Overlaidhang |
연주 ROLL 육성부의 기계적 성질에 미치는 Nb, V의 영향 |
김창규,윤재홍,황동수 |
부경대학교 신소재공학부,창원대학교 금속재료공학,고려용접봉(주) |
© 2004 The Korean Society of Ocean Engineers
Open access / Under a Creative Commons License
Continuous Casting Rolls, Martensitic Stainless Steel, Overlaid Materials, Tensile Strength and Hardness |
연주 롤, 마르텐사이트계 스테인레스 강, 육성용접재료, 인장강동와 경도 |
Abstract |
In the steel marking industry, most companies have adapted the continuous casting process, due to its economical benefit. Casting rolls are utilized for frictional drive and the transport of solidifying slap. Dimensional tolerances, mechanical stability, and surface condition of the casting rolls can affect both the surface and the internal quality of the product being cast. To overcome these problems, the industry now is focused on accelerating the rate of technological improvements. This study has been undertaken for the development of casting rolls overlaid materials (SAW FCW wire), with the addition of Vanadium and Molybdenum to the martensitic stainless steel, in order to increase tensile strength and hardness at elevated temperatures. |