An Experimental Study on the System Identification and Anti-Rolling System Design for a Ship with Flaps |
선미측에 플랩을 갖는 선박의 동특성 규명과 횡동요 제어계 설계 |
김영복,강귀봉,채규훈 |
부경대학교 공과대학 기계공학부,부경대학교 대학원 제어기계공학,군산대학교 해양과학대학 동력기계시스템공학과 |
© 2004 The Korean Society of Ocean Engineers
Open access / Under a Creative Commons License
Rolling, Flap, Anti-Rolling System, Disturbance, Spectral Analysis |
횡동요, 플랩, 횡동요 방지 장치, 외란, 스팩트럴 분석 |
Abstract |
We have investigated the usefulness of an active stabilizing system to reduce ship rolling under disturbances, using varying reaction of the flaps. In the proposed anti-rolling system for a ship, the flaps, as the actuator, are installed on the stern, in order to reject the rolling motion induced by disturbances, such as waves. The action induced by the flaps, which is dependent upon the power of the disturbances, can keep the ship in balance. In this study, we define the system parameters under the given system structure, using spectral analysis and experimental studies. Based on this information, we design the controller to evaluate the usefulness of the proposed system. |