A Study on Prediction of Crack growth Rate Under Creep-Fatigue Interaction |
Joo Won-Sik,Cho Seok-Swoo |
크리이프-피로 상호작용하의 균열성장속도 예측에 관한 연구 |
주원식,조석수 |
동아대학교 공과대학 기계공학과,동아대학교 대학원 |
© 1995 The Korean Society of Ocean Engineers
Open access / Under a Creative Commons License
High temperature low cycle fatigue, Transitional parameter, Cycle-dependent crack growth, Timedependent crack growth, Modified J integral, Fatigue J integral range |
고온저사이클피로, 천이파라미터, 사이클의 존형균열성장, 시간의존형균열성장, 수정 J적분, 피로 J적분범위 |
Abstract |
High temperature low cycle fatigue shows that cycle-dependent crack growth owing to cyclic plastic deformation occurred simultaneosly with time-dependent crack growth owing to intergranular deformation. Consequently, to estimate crack growth rate uniquely, many to investigators have proposed various kinds of parameters and theories but these could not produce satisfactory results. Therefore the goal of this study is focused on prediction of crack growth rate using predominant damage rule, linear cumulative damage rule and transitional parameter ${Delta}J_c/{Delta}J_f$. On the basis of these sinusoidal loading waveform at 600$^{circ}C$ and 700$^{circ}C$. |